Parliament of Fools

Welcome! We fools are a mish-mash of lovers of the English language. Pull up a computer chair, and imagine with us that you're sitting by the fire in a local cafe. Sip your cyber-cappucino and discuss with us your thoughts on our latest reading assignment. Hopefully we'll experience all the joy of reading together, without the cost of Starbucks.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Quick note.

Things are going well so far, it seems. Everyone's posted except our friend Tim. Bad Tim!

Since we have two opposite opinions regarding how we should post our future dialogue on book topics, perhaps we should find a compromise. When stating an opinion or idea that has not yet been mentioned do so in a separate post. When agreeing, disagreeing or expanding on a post already posted, do so in the comments box. When in doubt, post a new topic.

Does that work for everyone?

Happy reading!

p.s. This is the first time that I've ever written a post that passed spell check with flying colors! I'm so proud!


  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger Devona said…

    It seems that Tim is sick, that explains why he's been absent. I take back my rebuke.


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