Parliament of Fools

Welcome! We fools are a mish-mash of lovers of the English language. Pull up a computer chair, and imagine with us that you're sitting by the fire in a local cafe. Sip your cyber-cappucino and discuss with us your thoughts on our latest reading assignment. Hopefully we'll experience all the joy of reading together, without the cost of Starbucks.

Monday, August 22, 2005

QOC is my hero.

With every new thing there is a trial period. With this new blog we're all still working out the bugs, and figuring out how to make this work. QOC is my hero because I need someone else posting as often as I in order to keep going.

Since you're trying so hard to keep conversation going, and topics lively, I nominate you QOC to pick the next book.

Let us know, and we can keep discussing TTTC until you set the date to open conversation on your selection.


  • At 3:54 AM, Blogger Queen of Carrots said…

    And now I'll be late in getting back to you. But actually, sure, I would be honored to pick the next selection. I'll wait a few days, though, both because I need to think about what to choose, and in case anybody wants to say more on the current selection. :-)

  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger Devona said…

    Hooray! I'm looking forward to reading on. :)


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