Parliament of Fools

Welcome! We fools are a mish-mash of lovers of the English language. Pull up a computer chair, and imagine with us that you're sitting by the fire in a local cafe. Sip your cyber-cappucino and discuss with us your thoughts on our latest reading assignment. Hopefully we'll experience all the joy of reading together, without the cost of Starbucks.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Reading Proposal: The Secret of Father Brown

Devona has favored me with the chance to nominate the next book. I must admit, I feel a bit inadequate to choose as I have read very little fiction in the last several years. (That's why I joined, to inspire me!) But, I remembered that Tim suggested at some point doing a work by Chesterton, perhaps The Everlasting Man, or Orthodoxy.

Now, there's no one I'd rather read than Chesterton at any given time. It seemed a bit much, though, to have our second selection be a full-length non-fiction book. So instead, I'm going to nominate some short selections of Chesterton fiction that will give a sampling of his style and philosophy and be an enjoyable read.

The Secret of Father Brown is a collection of short-story mysteries within a frame story. I suggest reading the first chapter, "The Secret of Father Brown," three selected stories in the middle, "The Mirror of the Magistrate," "The Red Moon of Meru," and "The Chief Mourner of Marne," and finally the concluding chapter, "The Secret of Flambeau." One can sometimes find The Secret of Father Brown as a separate book, but you'll probably have better luck looking for a complete Father Brown collection.

As for a date, how about two weeks from now to find a copy and get started? Since there's multiple stories we can start discussing the early ones before people have finished reading the later ones.


  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger Devona said…

    I'll be heading to the library this week already, so I'll stop in to get this while I'm there.

    Now I'll get to know why Rob's friend named his dog Flambeau. Hurray!

  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger Rev. Alex Klages said…

    Oh, I came across a site which had the complete Chesterton Father Brown mysteries...

    The Complete Father Brown

    You can thank me later ;-)


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